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Thursday, 16.01.2025

This section describes each of the controls on the control panel.

80Hz/250Hz/500Hz/1.2kHz/3kHz - Equalizer frequencies. Level -6dB +6dB

COMP- Compressor level

MIC - Microphone gain amplifier (minimum level -6db, maximum level + 20db)

OUT - adjustment level output signal (dependent on the mic gain in your transceiver)

Led COMP LEVEL - this led lights up when you signal start to compress. If led blinks rarely when you speak - it is easy compression, if led blinks often or light all the time when you speak - it is hard compression. (Led must to light one time, when you connect Equalizer to transceiver)

You buy Equalizer, but he have many knobs, what turn first?

Read next short instruction and make your signal very nice.

Connect Equalizer cable in microphone jack in your transceiver. You see led "Comp Level" lights and goes out. Turn devices knobs like a photo.

Connect microphone. Switch On Monitor mode in transceiver and listen to yourself. Speak in mike and turn knobs MIC untill start to blink led. Speak in mike and turn knobs OUT for normal operation ALC. Then you can setup Equalizer knobs for you voice. After settings again adjust knobs MIC untill start to blink led.

Enjoy your signal